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Baby Bee Lessons For Rainy Days

Writer's picture: Emily HarrisEmily Harris

Did you know that Thomas Honey isn't just about honey?? We have been part of local education for years. We love teaching young children on the beauty and importance of the honey bee! Sometimes we even get to visit class rooms with our hive box. We get so excited when those little hands raise and ask all of the craziest questions little brains can think of. Obviously, WE have a passion for all things honey and bees, but when we see those future beekeepers get invested it gives us the warm fuzzies! We also love when we get little visitors to our booth every year at the county fair - visiting the bees and chatting with The Beeman. We like to sneak them honey straws too, because who doesn't deserve one of those things?!?!

While things are a little different in the world right now, and visits to class rooms may not be possible. We feel in our bee loving bones, that this is important. We also recognize, that many of our honey families may be educating their kiddos at home right now. In an effort to continue sharing the love, and maybe give a tired parent a break (especially if you're homeschooling), we thought we'd share some fun bee related activities and lessons today.

Learning Resource Website - Whole Kids Foundation

First of all, lets start with Whole Kids Foundation. This website is literally a mother load of bee related activities. From lessons ideas, to coloring pages, to planning your next summer garden, to Spotify playlists...Whole Kids Foundation has gathered a super impressive collection of honeybee fun!

Beehive Live - Explore Birds Bats and Bees (YouTube)

You can join Explore Birds Bats and Bees on YouTube to watch a beehive live and in action - Happy Little bees just going about their normal day.

Sweet Story Time - Various Contributors (YouTube)

If you're looking more for quiet time so you can knock out dinner or a quick work call, check out this list of children's books:

Honeybee Education - Various Contributors (YouTube)

We put this educational playlist together with topics ranging from how honey is made to how a queen becomes a queen. (**Please make sure you evaluate the video for your preferred level of appropriateness for your child. None of the videos are indecent, but most discuss honeybee life cycle in some way - which may include topics like mating and death.)

Busy Bee Activities - Various Contributors (YouTube)

Whether you need to shake things up a bit, distract a kiddo who needs a break from math, or just need crank up the music and have a dance break, we've got you covered! Here are some links for STEM activities, crafts, music, and more.

Send us a picture of your bee craft, or show us your waggle dance, let us know what you've learned...we absolutely LOVE to hear from our future bee keepers!!

Wherever this post finds you today, we sincerely hope that you are happy, healthy, and loved!



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