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A little bit extra...

Updated: Jul 30, 2020

Our honey is amazing, there's no denying that. But we have a few tricks up our sleeves to push that delicious honey into the stratosphere. Between K's kitchen and the Fat Girl Kitchen we are constantly on the lookout for new exciting recipes!

Fresh, Natural, No Junk

A few weeks ago I loaded up my car with fresh fruits and vegetables. After getting home and washing them all, I pulled down my dehydrator and got to work. The trays were loaded down with citrus, apples, peaches, ginger, berries, jalapenos, chilies and mango.

Now you may be asking yourself "Why is this woman talking about drying fruit on a honey website??" Well let me tell you, nothing goes better with honey than fruit...well except maybe biscuits. But then biscuits go good with everything!

But What's With the Dried Fruit Already???

Keep yer hair on, I got distracted by the biscuits. Honey is hygroscopic, meaning it absorbs moisture from the things around it (like the air) or in it (like fruit). While this isn't necessarily a bad thing (especially if you're a fan of mead), I was pushing for shelf stable deliciousness. I won't give away all of my experimental secrets...but here's a little sneak peak to get you excited.

Some of these I would eat right from the jar....others are calling for some fresh cornbread (looking at you jalapeno honey).

Until next time y'all!

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